version 1

2018: The birth of Galaxy Store.

Legend: ✅ = Completed​ | ⏳= Work In Progress​ |❓= Unknown Stage​​


Aurora Store was formerly called the Galaxy Store (not to be mixed up with Samsung's Galaxy Store!). It was a fork of Yeriomin's YalpStore which included more features than YalpStore itself. These included:

✅ Device spoofing

Pretend to be a different device! With device spoofing, you can unlock apps which are only available to certain devices, e.g. Pixel Launcher for Pixel.

✅ Google & Anonymous sign-in

Anonymous sign-ins let you download and install apps from the Google Play Store without having to own a Google account. Google sign-ins let you download your paid apps.

✅ Delta updates

Delta updates only download changes during updates, while normal updates will download the whole .apk file.

Last updated